Rose Livery Stables, based just outside Faringdon in the village of Gainfield, offers enviable facilities within the Wantage, Faringdon & Shrivenham areas of Oxfordshire. Perfectly appointed for competition venues such as Cherwell, Rectory Farm & Lyneham Heath.
Our relaxed approach works; happy horses, happy owners.
We are a friendly and relaxed bunch. Some people like to compete quite a lot, some a little bit and others just like to enjoy the fantastic off-road hacking. Our facilities are an absolute pleasure to ride in! We have large bright airy internal stables, 20x45m floodlit indoor arena with mirrors (perfect when it’s frozen outside or raining cats and dogs) , 25x60m outdoor with full set of BS show jumps, individual all year turn out, kitchen and changing facilities.
We have a few different instructors that come to the yard, or if you prefer to bring your own that’s fine too!