Great Britain is home to an estimated 27 million people who have an interest in equestrian activity, contributing to a sector with an estimated economic value of £5 billion annually (BETA National Equestrian Survey 2023). We all know that interacting with horses and taking part in equestrian activities is good for us, both inside and out, and now British Equestrian are looking to put that into facts and data.
Working in partnership with Sport and Recreation Alliance and Sheffield Hallam University, British Equestrian are conducting a research project to determine the social value of the sector, and which will provide insight and evidence in relation to health and wellbeing.
This research marks a crucial first step to enable British Equestrian and our member bodies to strengthen the narrative with key stakeholders such as UK Sport, Sport England, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) by highlighting the benefits of participating in equestrian activities.
They are looking for people to submit evidence, reports and papers they’ve conducted in this key area to help produce a resource to help the industry.
A comprehensive search of academic literature from the world’s leading journals has begun which will provide us with a strong baseline of evidence. However, this will not cover the extend of so-called ‘grey literature’ that is held within British Equestrian’s stakeholder groups and is not necessarily in the public domain. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- evaluations that you have conducted in your own areas or of your own programmes
- commercial reports
- annual reports that include wider impact statements
- business plans and strategies.
To provide a feel for the sort of data we need, the table here provides an overview of the types of social impacts that they are looking to collate.
Keen to learn more and make a submission? Head to BEF Social Value Evidence