The Best SEO Speakers in the UK: Experts You Need to Hear

Imagine sitting in a conference room surrounded by pumped-up marketers and industry professionals. The lights go down, the speaker strides up to the stage. You’re about to listen to one of the leading UK SEO experts. If you are just starting out and want to know everything about SEO — a good speaker can share insight and information that can revolutionise your online marketing strategy.

Why Listening to Top SEO Speakers Matters

SEO is an industry that’s always moving. To keep up, you’ve got to learn the techniques and most recent strategies to gain an edge over your competition. Listening to professional speakers can give you actionable insights and techniques to put into place straight away from the best SEO speakers, as they impart their years of expertise, knowledge and real-world examples that you won’t find in a book or an article.

Read on for the best SEO speakers in the UK, who will help you with up-to-date knowledge and tactics to help you bring more and more in the digital marketing field.

1.  James Dooley: The Engaging Educator

James Dooley tends to be at the forefront of these events. He has a great presence and charisma, together with perfect SEO knowledge. He’s engaging and he’s able to take seemingly complex SEO strategies and make them simple and actionable. He can communicate in an understandable, practical and actionable way.

No matter what your personal or professional SEO level is, you will always be able to enjoy and learn from a talk by James. Theoretical but actionable, manageable and clear in terms of guidelines, and never boring. If you’re looking to level up your SEO skills, you need to listen to him.

2.  Karl Hudson: The Strategy Simplifier

Karl Hudson also offers reprise-worthy talks. Karl has this amazing talent for using real-world stories and actionable advice that you can replicate immediately! He’s excellent at breaking down complex SEO processes into an actionable structure and it’s clear that the audience enjoys it too. Karl usually includes case studies that help illustrate points in an easy-to-follow format.

3.  Craig Campbell: The Entertaining Expert

Next up is Craig Campbell. No one combines SEO and entertainment quite like him. If you’re not walking away from Craig’s talk with some actionable insights and a smile, you probably weren’t in the room. On top of that, his presentations are both insightful and practical: covering advanced topics in a way that even mere mortals can understand.

4.  Charles Floate: The Innovator

Charles Floate is another name that stands out. He doesn’t just do what everybody else does, instead Charles tries new things and experiments. He breaks the rules and sees what works. His sessions are unconventional and unlike the normal formula, thus offering unique methods to be competitive in the market. Beyond someone who tests and experiments, Charles is notably good at publishing what he finds.

5.  Kasra Dash: The Trend Tracker

Don’t miss Kasra Dash if you are serious about SEO. Kasra’s deep understanding and insight is unmatched. His talks are thorough and packed with the most up-to-date information. If you want to stay ahead in the SEO game then this is the opportunity. Above all, Kasra’s understanding of future trends and the ability to explain them is invaluable in a fast-paced world.

6.  Gareth Simpson: The Data Guru

Gareth Simpson is well experienced and someone who speaks from having enormous analytical knowledge. His ability to dissect and explain SEO data is pretty much unparalleled by any other speaker. So those looking to learn more about analytical and data-driven SEO will inevitably benefit from attending his talks. Those who enjoy digging into data and metrics would be well-suited to attend his workshop.

7.  Judith Lewis: The SEO Powerhouse

Judith Lewis is a firebrand in the SEO space. She has a fun engaging style, and authoritative voice that singles her out as one of the best speakers. Her sessions will be packed full of actionable advice and industry insights that both beginners and seasoned pros will learn from. With vast experience in different sectors, she also has a rounded view of SEO problems and solutions.

8.  Dawn Anderson: The Technical Expert

Dawn Anderson has a sterling reputation for her technical SEO knowledge. Her talks on the subject are an in-depth exploration of SEO; the perfect fit for an audience looking to improve the technical facet of their search engine optimisation. Dawn will see to it that there is no ambiguity in your understanding upon completion of technical SEO principles.

9.  Mark Preston: The Local SEO Specialist

For local SEO Mark Preston is the most knowledgeable speaker. His knowledge of local search tactics and community engagement is second to none. Mark’s talks are full of tips and real-life examples vital for businesses of all sizes. Small businesses striving to up their local search will have much to gain from Mark Preston.

10.              Barry Adams: The News SEO Specialist

Barry Adams is an expert in news SEO and it shows in his presentations. He’s incredibly knowledgeable about the media landscape and offers essential insight into how search engines process news. This is crucial for anybody working in the publishing industry, as he can advise on how you can best optimise a story for maximum visibility, and in turn, shares.

11.              Fery Kaszoni: The PR and SEO Strategist

Fery Kaszoni is unique in how he approaches SEO because of his PR background. He is masterful at blending strategic thinking and tactical ideas and offers a well-rounded approach to SEO. Anyone who can relate PR strategy to SEO in the digital space is worth a listen. Fery can show you how to weave them together, you’ll get a clear payoff to your online presence.

12.              Stewart Vickers: The Rising Star

Finally, Stewart Vickers is an up-and-coming superstar on the SEO speaker circuit. Stewart has a unique view and a progressive approach to SEO which translates to a great presentation on his part. With fresh ideas and new ways of teaching SEO, Stewart will keep you on your toes when in a session with him. But what makes him so good is not just his ability to engage and educate an audience, but he also delivers takeaways that can be easily implemented. With this, Stewart speaks on the topics that should be on the mind of any SEO professional both inexperienced and experienced.

How to Choose the Right SEO Speaker for You

When selecting an SEO speaker to listen to, consider what you need from them. Need something technical? Dawn Anderson might be the person for you. Need local SEO? Mark Preston is your speaker. Each presenter has a different skill set so select the right speaker with the expertise to help your business or personal knowledge around the subject you need to help your business.

The Value of Attending SEO Conferences

Attending conferences where SEO experts are on the agenda can quickly help you grow in knowledge and skill. The networking aspect alone can be paying gold, and you also can learn so much based on their experience and the advice these speakers give you. These events aren’t just about learning — they’re a way of connecting with others within the industry, others just like you who are passionate about SEO.


The UK is home to some of the best SEO speakers globally. If you want to upskill your skills, learn analytics, and keep up with the latest, there’s a speaker with the insights you need. Go along, attend their conferences and take your SEO knowledge to a new level. Each of these experts has much to offer — from James Dooley’s down-right charming deliveries and great tips to Stewart Vickers’s lateral thinking.

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