CBD Edibles vs. CBD Capsules: Which Is Right for You?

People love CBD edibles, or edible CBD, depending on which term you prefer. Generally, ‘edibles’ refers to those hash brownies that the extremely anti-marijuana person ate accidentally at that party when you mistakenly laid them out instead of your regular chocolate brownies.

The next time you saw them, they had burned all their Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan regalia, replaced their suits with tie-dye t-shirts, and became vegan. CBD edibles are a little different and are unlikely to cause you to act so strangely that your neighbor calls the police. 

Of course, CBD edibles such as gummies and chocolate are not necessarily the best option for everyone. It is worth considering CBD capsules, which should also be classified as edibles. Below, I take a look at both options so you can decide which one suits your needs best.

All About CBD Edibles and CBD Capsules

When you see CBD edibles online, there’s more than one product to consider! CBD gummies are by far the most popular option, though. Consumers love the variety of flavors and the fantastic fruity taste. There is also CBD chocolate, though such products are quite rare and fairly expensive.

CBD capsules are for individuals who want to consume their daily amount of CBD and go about their day. They are odorless and tasteless, so you don’t have to tolerate the bitter taste of CBD oil, not to mention the texture.

In both cases, you’re ingesting the cannabinoid, so the onset time can range from 30 minutes to two hours. Remember that CBD is non-intoxicating, so don’t expect any type of high. As long as the products in question contain a maximum of 0.3% THC, you’re on solid ground legally (even though CBD isn’t explicitly legal in many states). Only two states have rules allowing even less THC in products: Idaho and Kansas. In Idaho, the maximum THC limit is 0.1%. In Kansas, products must contain 0%, which means you need broad-spectrum or isolate products.

Which One Is Right for Me?

It is easy to say that capsules are the edible CBD option for those who want to avoid flavor and excitement. You could even say that CBD capsules are likely the option of that dude from Dragnet who only ever wanted the facts. 

I am definitely not saying that capsules are the preserve of people who have 45 white shirts, a dozen grey suits, and a dozen plain ties. It is (probably) not true that such individuals are those who find accountancy thrilling and don’t much like to talk about emotions and feelings. In reality, they simply may not like fruity sweets and are against the idea of consuming sugar and (potentially) artificial flavors.

Those who pick gummies as their CBD edible of choice may simply want a reminder of their childhood. It was a time of hope when you were filled with energy and limitless ambition. You dreamed of being an astronaut, an overseer of a peace accord, or a great sportsperson who could match Simone Biles or Michael Jordan. In the end, you got a job stacking shelves at Home Depot, which is almost as good. 

In the end, it is mainly about taste and texture because CBD edibles like gummies and capsules both theoretically provide long-lasting effects. They are both convenient and let you know how much CBD you are taking.

At least, that’s the case if the product comes with third-party lab reports from a reputable laboratory. There is, unfortunately, a cavalcade of evidence that a high percentage of CBD products are mislabeled. They may contain a high level of THC, more or less CBD than advertised, or be laden with pesticides or insecticides.

This is why you need to use a brand that’s known for providing world-class products. Brands like PureKana have an excellent reputation in the industry and are known for including third-party lab reports. 

Final Thoughts on CBD Edibles Versus CBD Capsules

Both CBD edibles, such as gummies and capsules, offer advantages to users. But the right choice depends on your specific needs and preferences. Gummies offer a better taste, but you may prefer capsules if your goal is to quickly and easily consume CBD. In both cases, you benefit from knowing how much of the cannabinoid is in each serving.

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